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Hip Hop and Beyond

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Black Jesus: What's the Big Deal People?It's just Entertainment

Do you remember the episode of "Good Times" when JJ painted the picture of Black Jesus that resembled Ned The Wino?Do you remember when Michael Evans replaced the White Jesus painting with the Black Jesus painting and the Evans family received all sorts of good luck soon after? Do you remember when Florida Evans was against the Black Jesus painting being hung in place of the White Jesus painting because the White Jesus painting was the only Jesus she ever knew? Well, this hatred towards Aaron McGruder's new show "Black Jesus" reminds me of Florida's bias attitude towards the Black Jesus painting her son painted for "artistic entertainment."
If you have not watched the show, then you should not have one negative opinion about it. 
First of all, I am bias on the whole "Jesus" subject matter, because I was raised in the Nation of Islam and religion is not the cornerstone of my life. Do not get me wrong. I do believe in God, but I'm not into that "jesus said this, jesus said that" lingo. But to be fair, I must say years later I discovered that the Nation of Islam was not a religion for me due to their ways of living(the whole marrying three women at one time thing wasn't cool in my eyes..lol). So consider me a man who knows right from wrong. 
I took the time to watch the Black Jesus episode on Cartoon Network and I was very entertained. 
Yes he portrayed Jesus.(and reminded us that he "died for our sins" so he should be allowed to hit the blunt longer than his friends could, even though Black Jesus never puts up money on a bag of Weed.....Funny..I'm sorry). To me, Black Jesus is based on the personality of Black Preachers in America(Just my opinion..okay..). I say that to say this. If you are a man of God who is living your life to spread the gospel, then why do I have to pay you for it? Does it cost to get to heaven? Is it possible for me to get 30% off on a prayer these days? 
Some people are just too religious.( Yeah I said it..) I don't know what a true christian really is, but I have an idea. To be a true christian, you cannot lie, steal or cheat. Most children of god do that proudly. To be a christian, you cannot encounter in sexual activity with any other christian unless you are married. Most children of god get their freak on. 
My point is, nobody is perfect. Who is to say that Jesus was? And if he was so perfect, why can't he be singled out in a comedy??? No one is safe or off limits when it comes to entertainment unless they were part of a tragedy. Real talk. 
I really do respect the Christian community efforts on banning the show from being aired, but I don't think Corporate America will agree with you.  The fact that it's a stereo-typical show about Jesus living in the hood, makes it  great t.v. At the end of the day, I strongly believe that Aaron McGruder will not go to hell for coming up with such a controversial television show. Mr. McGruder, along with Cartoon Network Execs are going to the bank with this one. Sorry to say. The Christian community have a right to boycott Black Jesus from ever being aired.......on their televisions. I know you guys mean well. Honestly I do.  Your actions remind me of a quote that the rapper Common said on one of his records: "if I don't like it, I don't like it, that don't mean that I'm hating." While the people on this side will say, "Rock on Black Jesus...Rock on!!!" #GoLive

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